Clastic sediments or sedimentary rocks are classified based on grain size, clast and cementing material (matrix) composition, and texture. ... An example of clastic environment would be a river system in which the full range of grains being transported by the moving water consist of pieces eroded from solid rock upstream.
The role of species in an ecosystem, consisting of such things as what it eats, when it eats, and where it lives is niche.
To keep the earth safe and clean
If we keep the ocean clean then the water creaters will be able to live better, I mean how would you feel if someone was putting trash in your home., not so good huh. if you recycle your stuff like paper then frewer trees are cut down, yes they do plant one tree every time they take one, but it takes years for the oxygen to rebuild to the same leave, and without trees, not co2 and oxygen.
The surface area is 1,620
A is the answer as to my knowledge