Buddhists believed that there is suffering, suffering has an origin, suffering can cease, and there is a path out of suffering.
Tax cut in usual term is demonstrated as the rebate or reduction in the tax rate paid by the citizens to the government. Tax cuts are often considered as controversial political issue as some of the politicians assert that these cuts tend to serve more as a gain for the higher-income as compared to the lower-income groups which economists would categorize as a step taken in regard to establish the 'equity' among the tax rates. Because it becomes quite impartial or unfair to charge a higher tax rate from the higher-income groups and lesser from the lower-income groups. Therefore, the step is in regard to 'equity'.
The contract is voidable at Race's discretion.
The law will recognise the contract as being valid. However, the inebriated state in which Race was in when he signed the contract is of concern here. Since his ability to fully understand and comprehend the terms and nature of the contract was compromised, he has the option to disaffirm or reaffirm the contract in question.