The new species come from old ancestors of the animals that were there, over time they slowly evolved, and they adapted to that new environment.
C) They are compressed during inhalation.
Birds breathe through rigid lungs that are located in the animal's thoracic region. The trachea of birds divides into bronchi that branch inside the lungs into very thin tubes called parabronchials or parabroncholes, which are irrigated by blood capillaries that allow gas exchange.
In birds there are no pulmonary alveoli (as in mammals), but air capillaries that depart from the parabroncholes. Oxygen gas passes from these capillaries to the blood capillaries, thus causing gas exchange.
In the lower portion of the bird's trachea, before branching the bronchi, we can find the syringe, a bag-like structure that has vocal cords responsible for the birds' scream and song. Most of the time, the sound emitted by birds serves to attract the mate, mark territory and prevent birds of the same species against some predator or other danger.
Molecules stop moving at freezing point. Helium has the lowest boiling point. The molecules move very quickly at boiling point.
Heating up- molecules move faster. Cooling down- molecules move slower
When one phosphate group is removed by breaking a phosphoanhydride bond in a process called hydrolysis, energy is released, and ATP is converted to adenosine diphosphate (ADP). ... Likewise, energy is also released when a phosphate is removed from ADP to form adenosine monophosphate (AMP).
Primary succession is one type of the ecological succession which takes place on the land devoid of vegetation or barren land.
The species which first flourishes on this barren land are known as pioneer species which includes the species of bryophytes and pteridophytes like lichens and mosses.
These lichens and mosses help breakdown the barren rocks through chemical leaching and help increase the nutrient content. This allows the ferns and small pteridophytes to grow.
Then the area is colonized by the intermediate species which includes herbs, shrubs later trees. These intermediate species help attract the animals and thus help establish the biological community.
Thus, Lichens mosses → herbs→ shrubs →trees.