The Sumner is absolutely right because in this universe, every man and woman have to take of their own self and are responsible for themselves. They should not depend on others for their protection.
With the rights given to the men and the women who are the citizens of a country, there are certain responsibilities of the men and the women also that they should fulfill.
They should take care of themselves on their own and should not depend on others to take care of them. The government of a country should make policies to protect them but they should take care of themselves also. Thus this view of Sumner is right.
This isn't an English Question but...
What you do first is find the LCD (Least Common Denominator)
You do this by finding the factors of 16 and seeing if they correspond with two.
So you're factors are, (1,16) (2,8) (4,4)
So the LCD is 2. You would then make each fraction over two. Since 1/2 is already over 2 you would make 5/16 over two by dividing by 8.
That gives you .347 or 347/1000
Then you would add each whole number, 24 + 2. This gives you 26 and then add the decimel. 26.347
There is probably a simpler way but here's mine.