The Lamborghini SCV12 has 830 horse power.
A benchmark
Most times a benchmark serves as the better measure when assessing a computer's performance, this is because CPU speeds can only evaluate an aspect of a computer's performance whereas a benchmark offers the advantage of measuring all the aspects of a computer's performance for a specific type of computing problem.
b) False
in trapezoidal rule the error is proportional to
and the order of accuracy is proportional to
Trapezoidal rule is numerical integration method .Trapezoidal rule is used to find the area of curves.In trapezoidal rule we finds the approximate value of integration.But the real value of integration will not differ to much from the value which finds by using trapezoidal rule.
A wide-angle lens has a focal length of 35mm or shorter, which gives you a wide field of view. The wider your field of view, the more of the scene you'll be able to see in the frame. These lenses are ideal for many scenarios, and most photographers have at least one trusty wide-angle lens in their kit.
Through laboratory tests, thermodynamic tables were developed, these allow to know all the thermodynamic properties of a substance (entropy, enthalpy, pressure, specific volume, internal energy etc ..)
through prior knowledge of two other properties such as pressure and temperature.
for this case we can define the following equation for mass flow using the first law of thermodynamics

Q=capacity of the radiator =5000btu/hr
m = mass flow
then using thermodynamic tables we found entalpy in state 1 and 2
h1(x=0.97, p=16psia)=1123btu/lbm
h2(x=0, p=16psia)=184.5btu/lbm