Use the court system
In order to challenge a new law as a citizen you need to use the court system. The citizen in question would need to file a class action lawsuit in court seeking to declare the federal law unconstitutional. This is then reviewed and decided by the courts, where the Supreme Court ultimately has the final verdict on this issue.
In the US, people need to stop lying to each other in the name of being polite or accepting. It has fostered a society that believes it is entitled to anything, and is far too easily offended. This in turn makes it unreceptive to even constructive criticism, thereby becoming a breeding ground for other problems.
Answer:B. interstate commerce.
Explanation: Interstate commerce is the trade and commercial activities taking place between or connecting individuals living in two states. The interstate commerce is regulated by the COMMERCE CLAUSE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The commerce clause is contained in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution, which gives Congress the power “to regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian. This clause has empowered to Congress to regulate commercial activities between the states and individuals etc.
a. sham lesion control group.
The experimenter will need to conduct a sham or placebo surgery or in simple words a fake surgery or radio frequency lesion on the rats in the control group. This will look like radio frequency lesion to the control group but in actual will be done just to induce the sham or placebo effect for studying the changes in emotional behavior to the lesion. Hence, the experiment will require a sham lesion control group.