domain competence I think
When people sell essential oils they claim that the oils cure depression, anxiety and even headaches. Rather than taking over the counter medication, people would rather invest in a cheaper, more organic and less harmful alternatives. Alternatives such as lavender, peppermint, lemon, tee tree, and frankincense.
They would see themselves as overweight even if they were thin.
people with anorexia nervosa think that they are overweight they have body dysmorphia
toxic people exist to make our lives terrible and remind us of who our real friends are
They also exist to help us to not feel as bad when we're mean to them
nucleus) alpha decay: alpha particle
beta decay: unstable nucleus
gamma decay: one fewer neuron and proton
p+ n0) alpha decay: beta particle
beta decay: no change
gamma: two or fewer
releases) alpha: alpha particle
beta: beta particle
gamma: gamma rays