Hi there! I may be able to help you all!
<h2 /><h2>_______From my standpoint, the answer would be..________</h2>D. Throughout the years, numerous organizations offered aid to immigrants at Ellis Island. Many of these immigrant aid societies maintained permanent representatives on Ellis Island.
-Usage: Edgenuity Program Users
-Information: <u>NOT</u> Plagiarized. Plagiarism can get you <u>expelled </u>from school and this may cause you unwanted trouble. <u><em>Quoting is fine though</em></u>
<h2><u>Understanding Why D would be Correct</u></h2>I believe that this answer is correct because the question states that "...Ellis Island was a processing center sensitive to immigrants.." <u>What does this mean? </u>
This processing organization and formation helped immigrants in many different ways, especially when many were multitasking. Even though many immigrants were overwhelmed, they received treatment for diseases, and they were fed with food.
<h2><u>Understanding the Question</u></h2>In the question, it states, "..Ellis Island was a processing center sensitive to the needs of immigrants.." If you somehow didn't quite understand the meaning of this, it tells you that the staff were not ignorant to the immigrants.
They were very aware about their needs, and gave immigrants the ability to sit down and try again if they were speechless and overwhelmed. Many of them could not speak American English, especially how they needed to understand what the questions meant.
<h2> <u>Definitions:</u></h2><u>Stenographers</u> are people who type what an individual person says, and they also <u>type fast</u>, because when people speak, it is enormously common for their <u>words to come out faster than the words coming out on keyboard, because many don't type fast enough nowadays.</u>
Think of it as the people who you see sitting in chairs on the News, because they are typing the information related to political work (On a laptop or another device(s) ), and they want to know how that works. (Like a judge room.)
<u>Immigrants </u>are people who come to another country to settle in <u>permanently.</u> Think of it just like how you move to another state. To better understand, it is just like taking a plane to, let's say, South Korea, where I was born. This works just like how the immigrants took a ship to Ellis Island.
<u>Emigrants-</u> If you are confused between those two words, emigrating means that people are <em>leaving </em>their country to settle permanently in a different country, while immigrating means that people are <em>entering </em>a different country, mostly permanently.
Moreover, "An emigrant <em>leaves </em>the country and an immigrant <em>enters </em>the country."
<u>Multi-Tasking</u> is something where an individual does many tasks at once. Now, by many, I'm referencing that a person does more than 1 task, and if they did 2 tasks, that still counts as multi-tasking, because you are doing 2 things at once.
<u>Ellis Island </u>is of course, and island and is federally owned by the "territorial jurisdiction of both New York and New Jersey." Ellis Island handled, took care of, and processed roughly about 12 million immigrants.
<u>Territorial Jurisdiction </u> in the United States, refers to a court's power over events and people within the bounds of a particular geographic territory. Therefore, the court has power over the people and the environment living in an area, which is similar to a president.
If a court does <em>not</em> have territorial jurisdiction over the events or people within it, then the court cannot tell what people have to do, also like a president who might have been impeached permanently.
<h2><u></u></h2><h2><u>Conclusion:</u></h2>If this aided you on your work, keep me updated! I'm glad to help! One account is that I won't always be there to answer your questions if you did have any, because I am currently studying for the nationals and it includes the grants. I'll be out for a week in a couple weeks from here, but I will most likely be able to answer your questions!!
I truthfully apologize if this answer was incorrect and caused you some trouble. God bless you and your family! Stay safe, and remember that you have to courage to bring up your grade to an A+!!