The pharaoh owned all land and wealth.
While Pharaoh also served as a religious leader in ancient Egypt, his roles in the economy of Egypt includes the following:
1. He collected taxes
2. He controlled all the lands in Egypt. Part of his title is 'Lord of the Two Lands' as he controlled upper Egypt and lower Egypt altogether.
3. He made laws including those relating to economic policies.
Hence, Pharaoh's role in the economy can be considered to be "The pharaoh owned all land and wealth."
Racism in the past was a lot worse, starting by the fact that during an important amount of time, minority populations were either enslaved, or subjected to serfdom, or obliged to live in remote reservations and robbed of their lands. There were also lynching's, segregations in public and private places like schools, restaurants, and buses. Treatment was often unequal under the law, and job and education opportunities were less.
Racism in the present still exists, and it is still a problem, especially because if often manifests itself in ways that are not so apparent. However, it is undeniable that a great degree of progress has been made in this matter in recent decades.
The Revolution was more put together rather than the one SC had first started
Social Darwinists believe survival of the fittest would allow for the strong to survive and the weak to die out
Social Darwinists believed that the life of humans in society was a struggle for existence influenced by survival of the fittest