For decimals, move the decimal point 2 units to the right to get the percentage.
0.125 = 12.5%
0.09 = 9%
for fractions, if it is over 100, make it the percentage of the number
so for 11 over 100, it is 11%
for example, 50 over 100, it is 50%
if it is not over one hundred, divide the numerator to denominator to get a decimal, and then make it into a percentage
for example 11/35. 11 divided by 35 is 0.31
0.31 = 31%
that is just an example
hope this helps
I'm sorry but I can't see question 2
Step-by-step explanation:
Answer: The inequality solves to x ≥ 42
The graph is shown below
We have some unknown number x, and we're dividing by 6 to form the fraction x/6. That result is 7 or larger which means we write x/6 ≥ 7
To solve for x, we undo the division. We'll multiply both sides by 6. That's how we get to x ≥ 42
The graph will involve a number line. Plot a closed filled in circle at 42 on the number line. Shade to the right. This visually represents any number that is 42 or larger. The endpoint 42 itself is included in the solution set.
Side note: We would use an open circle if we didn't have the "or equal to" portion for the inequality sign.
3.7 mL
Step-by-step explanation: