asteriod strike is most likely to be the one
A volcanic activity would have that stuff
A transfer of energy in practice means that one organism eats the other organism, so here we have to ask whether the first organism is eaten by the second.
A. from rabbits to green plants
Plants don't eat rabbits so -no!
B. from weasels to eagles
-this is the correct answer! Eagles do prey on weasels and eat them whenever they can
C. from eagles to rabbits
Rabbits don't eat eagles -so, no!
D. from green plants to weasels
Weasels are predators so they don't eat plants!
Carbon cycle is process that shows the exchnge of carbon in the living and atmospheric system. Carbon cycle starts with the giving off of carbon dioxide from nimals, accumulation of co2 of plants, contribution of organic matter of dead animals and plants, photosynthesis, etc. The answer is D. fermentation
I feel the same I'm so dumb