sense of coherence
Antonovsky was a professor of medical sociology, he introduced the term of "Salutogenesis" which basically focuses on the factors that affect the well-being of a person rather than on the ones that cause diseases.
For years, the traditional medical model had focused in the dichotomy of "sickness-health" (meaning you're either healthy OR sick". However, Antonovsky considered that this relation was a continuous that included <u>health, stress and how the individual copes with it. </u>
One of Antonovsky central concepts was the <u>"sense of coherence"</u>. He thought that <u>it was not the factors themselves which determined whether stress would be harmful for you or not but rather it was one personal sense of coherence.</u>
Sense of coherence refers to the personal global orientation that each person has and is a feeling of<u> confidence</u> that the stimuli from the outside world are <u>predictable</u>, one's own <u>resources are sufficient</u> to deal with these stimuli and that <u>these demands are worthy of engagemen</u>t.
Therefore, the sense of coherence is the personal orientation that allows an individual to view the world with feelings of confidence.