David was the only one who was willing to fight Goliath, everyone in Saul's army was too afraid of him. David knew the Lord was with him so he had no fear. Because of his faith in the Lord, David refused Saul's offer to suit him up with armor and a sword. And also, his sling was more familiar to him. The lesson that can be learned from this true story is to have faith in the Lord for he is always at your side.
This trait of David would later serve him well during his reign as king.
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Following a decline in sales of a product, measures that could change the trend and ensure a positive change include :
Firstly, a market survey or analysis which may involve speaking with the company's main distributors in other to know why the sales of the product has fallen in recent times.
Based on the outcome of the survey or research, strategy implementation will begin to fix the highlighted shortfalls.
While ensuing that shortfalls are fixed, the company should not retract on the originality and quality of the product as the may have a longlasting effect on the product.
The company should then adopt a more aggressive marketing strategy with competitive price offering and promotions in other to compete with the now leading sellers.
Taking tests always makes some students uncomfortable.
Students must understand that there is no single theme to any piece of literature. The more complex the literature, the more possible themes there are. Authors will help students read between the lines for the theme, either through motifs or dominant ideas that are repeated throughout the story. You have to understand the basics of the characterization, plot and other literary elements that are included in the story that you are reading.