Microorganisms that are capable of causing disease are called pathogens. Although microorganisms that cause disease often receive the most attention, it is important to note that most microorganisms do not cause disease. In fact, many probably provide some protection against harmful microorganisms because they effectively compete with the harmful organisms for resources, preventing them from growing.
It depends on the mg of pill, weight of your body and your body tolerance level.
If they follow Mrs.Gren
Explanation :Mrs.Gren which stands for Movement, Respiration, Sensitivity, Growth, Reproduction, Excretion and Nutrition. If it doesn't have these characteristics then its non- living.
eukaryote is a single celled organism, so that is almost like every organism on earth (except for bacteria). so actually there are many examples
1. bananas
2. algae
3. a spider
4. a lion
5. mushroom
4. tress, grass, flowers, pines....etc
5. humans
6. cancer cells, animal cells, sperm cells, muscle cells, plant cells...etc
5. flies almost every type of fly
6. fish
so yeah you get it almost every organism is a single celled organism :D
(except for bacteria and virus)