Equality, representation, and slavery.
Can you be more specific?
I believe you are talking about Thomas Jefferson, but the people came together and he beat his opponent with votes.
Answer: Across subjects multiple-baseline design
Explanation: The single case design involves experiment whereby only one group is used as to make inference in the study, the control group and treatment group aren't distinct. When behavior is measured or observed in two or more participants belonging to a single group by delivering a the same intervention or treatment at different poinf in time. In the scenario above, the smile and eye contact is the treatment being delivered or used on the participants to measure the the level of responsiveness of the participants. After trying the treatment on the first subject, the treatment was so test on the other participants, hence
b. and the equilibrium quantity of loan-able funds both would be higher.
- If in the past congress had taken additional actions to make savings more rewarding, then today it is likely that the equilibrium interest rate would be lower and the quantity of loan-able funds would be higher.
- Savings are affected by interest rate reward in that, when the interest rate are more rewarding, then, there shall be more customers ready to save their money and vice versa.
- The quantity of loan-able funds shall go higher out of the increased willingness to save.