Write the works cited page on a separate document. Label the page Works Cited and center it at the top of the page. Citation entries are aligned with the left margin. Alphabetize by author’s last name or text title. Double space each line, meaning write a line and skip the next line, repeat the process. “Year” on the reference sheet means the publication year or the date the source was updated. “Date accessed” means the date you found the source. Use this date: 4 November 2020. USE THE CORRECT PUNCTUATION.
Jackson Pollock said: "It doesn't make much difference how the paint is put on as long as something has been said. The technique is just a means of arriving at a statement." For him, the new styles of art are more than techniques to apply and he also uses the Surrealism to suggest different ways to describe the unconscious.
Suffered more injuries than deaths.
pls mark me brainliest
thank you
Equivalent rights for the blacks failed because of the fact the community and state regulation makers surpassed regulations that segregated the whites and the blacks (Jim Crow regulations). The KKK became formed in 1866 to maintain blacks from partaking interior the community via intimidation. The KKK might carry any black they had to because of the fact no white jury might convict a white for killing a black,<span>