A bureaucracy
ie) the civil service exams in China during period 2 or 3
An unfunded mandate
An unfunded mandate is a statute or regulation that requires a state or local government to perform certain actions, with no money provided for fulfilling the requirements. Public individuals or organizations can also be required to fulfill public mandates.
<span>that he would find a faster way to the west indies and bring them back spices</span>
utmfjgjjtjtjtjttjtjtjyjy thtthjtjtjtjtjtjthtj
Thew sun is very hot it sends more than amillion beams of heat toward land and by the time it hits us "the land" the ground gets hot which travles to the ground under waters now places like the ocean that have waters deeper than a thousand miles will not get as hot if any where near as hot as the water closer to land because the sun sadly does not travle that deep into the ground