The Monroe Doctrine<span>, was an attempt by president James </span>Monroe<span> in 1823 to prevent other European powers (outside of those already present) from establishing colonies or any new presence in the Western Hemisphere. It essentially stated that the United States would consider such attempts as an act of aggression.</span>
The slaves out-numbered the soldiers, so the Spartan had the biggest army to control the slaves. Boys started training at age 7 became soldiers at 18 and served until age 60.
<span>The overall system of taxation in the United States is progressive.</span>
The unit for resistance is Ohm. When subjected to a potential difference of one volt, the SI unit of electrical resistance transmits a current of one ampere.
<h3>What is resistance?</h3>
It is an electrical circuit, that use to measure the resistance to current flow. The Greek letter omega is used to represent resistance in ohms. Georg Simon Ohm (1784-1854), a German physicist who researched the link between voltage, current, and resistance, is the name given to Ohms.
Thus, option C is correct.
For further detail about resistance refer to this link: