Answer is Leader-Member Exchange theory.
This Leader-member exchange theory brings about a situation where the leader develops an exchange with his/her followers, thereby influencing the actions of their followers such as their performances and decisions.
This method is focused to bring the best out of the members, that is , the leaders and the followers, if adopted well.
To establish a settlement, means to bring in a relatively group of large people who build houses, have jobs, form a society, and inhabit this area for a long period of time.
1. Praying for guidance and strength : In a class room settings teaching and high lightening the importance of good living from religious books and the various ways those who practiced it ends up been fulfilled goes a long way in helping out emotionally.
This helps emotionally knowing you are not alone and your current situation have been experienced by someone who joyfully overcame it.
2. Embracing conflict is a sure way of dealing with it.Pretending it doesn't exist when it sure do exist is not a good practice. From proper acknowledgement of it's existence then a proper negotiation benchmark can be set.
3. Ensuring children reach out for help. Kids are open to adult they can easily communicate and relate to.From asking of questions kids happens to learn and tends to adjust their behaviour based on the advice received from you the instructor or advicer.
4. An emotionally safe clas room comes with a build in confidence. A confident kid won't be scared of failing and trying out new ideas as such kids aren't bothered about what will people say .
Slavery arrived in North America along side the Spanish and English colonists of the 17th and 18th centuries, with an estimated 645,000 Africans imported during the more than 250 years the institution was legal. But slavery never existed without controversy. The British colony of Georgia actually banned slavery from 1735 to 1750, although it remained legal in the other 12 colonies. After the American Revolution, northern states one by one passed emancipation laws, and the sectional divide began to open as the South became increasingly committed to slavery. Once called a “necessary evil” by Thomas Jefferson, proponents of slavery increasingly switched their rhetoric to one that described slavery as a benevolent Christian institution that benefited all parties involved: slaves, slave owners, and non-slave holding whites. The number of slaves compared to number of free blacks varied greatly from state to state in the southern states. In 1860, for example, both Virginia and Mississippi had in excess of 400,000 slaves, but the Virginia population also included more than 58,000 free blacks, as opposed to only 773 in Mississippi. In 1860, South Carolina was the only state to have a majority slave population, yet in all southern states slavery served as the foundation for their socioeconomic and political order.
The Germanic General that seized control of Rome was Odoacer