B. repeated his commitment not to interfere with slavery where it already existed
a president must: interpret federal laws for his cabinet secretaries; veto legislation that is unconstitutional; oversee fifteen administrative divisions like the Department of Revenue; oversee law enforcement such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation; and attend ceremonial events
El Choque cultural se refiere al impacto causado por cambiar de una cultura familiar a una que es desconocida. Este impacto incluye la ansiedad y sentimientos (como la sorpresa, la desorientación, la incertidumbre y la confusión) que se sienten cuando una persona debe adaptarse a una cultura o ambiente social diferente y desconocido. Esto puede incluir el choque de un nuevo ambiente, conocer gente nueva, comer comida nueva, o adaptarse a un idioma extranjero, así como la conmoción de estar separado de las personas importantes en tu vida: como tu familia, amigos, colegas y maestros.
"The end of the Persian Wars led to the rise of Athens as the leader of the Delian League."
<span>It permanently shifted the global balance of power. By the mid-18th century, both the British and </span>French <span>wanted to extend their North American </span>colonies<span> into the land west of the Appalachian Mountains, known then as the Ohio Territory.</span>