The /var subdirectory contains files to which the system writes data during the course of its operation. Hence, since it serves as a system directory, it would prevent log files from consuming a large amount of data.
The following code is written in Java. I created both versions of the program that was described in the question. The outputs can be seen in the attached images below. Both versions are attached as txt files below as well.
<span class="sg-text sg-text--link sg-text--bold sg-text--link-disabled sg-text--blue-dark">
<span class="sg-text sg-text--link sg-text--bold sg-text--link-disabled sg-text--blue-dark">
This statement checks if num1 is equal to the absolute value of num1
For instance,
num1 = 4 and the absolute value of num1 = 4. This would run the code inside the if statement but if num1 = -1 the absolute value of num1 = 1 and the if stamtent would be skipped because -1 does not equal 1