the Hayflick limit
The Hayflick limit denotes the number of times the cells divide till the cell division stops.
Cell division depends on the length of the telomeres which are at the end of each chromosome. As cells divide the telomeres keep shortening, once the telomere length reaches a critical length the cells stop dividing.
A telomere is located at the end of each chromosome where there are repetitive nucleotide sequences.
the spread of Islam
The spread of Islam at times created tensions between the populations already living in North Africa and West Africa and the Muslim groups who were coming into the area. Some of these Muslim groups started wars against the natives, whom they viewed as godless pagans.
las normas se refieren a comportamientos y actitudes que se consideran normales, mientras que los valores son aquellas cosas que las personas consideran importantes para ellos. es en esta socialización secundaria donde las personas aprenden valores universalistas en lugar de solo esos valores particulares para su propia familia o comunidad.
First you have to have a teaching degree meaning you have to be at least 21 or 22