Advantages of Using an Encoder:
Built in references
Coding Clinic (example AV malformation=angiodysplasia)
CPT Assistant
CPT/I-9 Crosswalk Vol. 3
Medical Dictionary
Pharmacology Reference
Lab values
NCCI edits</span>
why are they using them:
<span>To enhance their productivity</span><span>
Speed and Efficiency
</span><span>Accuracy and consistency
mine is straight and he/him
Vaginismus,Mental disorder,MenopauseVulvar pain,Erectile dysfunction
I believe the correct answer would be A. The drug that requires a follow-up "cover" prescription when dispensed with an emergency verbal order is the dilaudid. It is a drug used to treat pain and is an opioid. When taking this drug, one should be cautious since it is known to have bad side effects.<span />
Ídem se emplea fundamentalmente en notas o referencias bibliográficas, cuando se quiere señalar que la fuente citada es la misma anterior. Asimismo, también se puede usar para indicar que una obra tiene el mismo autor que la obra anterior