Class are the collection of variable and member function.
Class are the blueprint of an object.
Following are the points regarding class in c++
1.In C++ class is an user defined datatype..
2.Classes are the collection of variable and function in c++.
3.To access the property of class we can create object of that class
4.We can use following syntax to declared any class in c++
class classname
//statement and function
classname objectname;
implementation of class in c++
class test // class declaration
public: // access modifier
void fun3() // Method definition
cout<<" hello :";
void main() // main function
test ob;// creating object
ob.fun3(); // calling function
In this program we declared a class "test " in class test. We giving public access modifier .The public access modifier define that variable and function are accessible outside the class and in main method we create the object ob which call the function fun3().
Output:hello :
This Information involves informing the young youth about adult and mature life
I would use a dual core Becuase a quad can be too space consuming and it can overheat the computers software
public static int cupsToOunces (int cups) {
int ounces = cups * 8;
return ounces;
This is a very simple Java method that takes in the number of cups in the recipe as a parameter, converts it to ounces, and then returns the number of ounces. It is very simple since 1 cup is equal to 8 ounces, therefore it simply takes the cups and multiplies it by 8 and saves that value in an int variable called ounces.
the right to attend classes at a school
This question seeks to address why we go to school. We go to school to study and get certificates of qualification. To study, we have to pay tuition fees. Tuition fees constituent fifty percent of a school’s income, and without it, you will not be able to get into a classroom in the first place. It covers almost 70% of what the student does in school and this to study in a class. It pays for all academics and research, the library, teaching support, and many more. A place to live at a school and transportation expenses are probably not included in tuition fees. These are other expenses that a student requires to survive.