Technician A is correct
Contact us is the most common term used in online applications such as in websites, mobile/android application to search contact information. People mostly scanning the “contact us” page to find the contact information, if they want to contact the company or organization.
Why technician A is correct.
Technician A is correct because people always try to find the “Contact us” page to find contact information for asking questions, to provide feedback, or any suggestion if they want to provide. It is hard for people to find contact information to provide feedback or give an idea to improve the ShopKey version in “support” heading under the “help” section. Because people are more inclined to search such information in the “Contact us” page rather than exploring the website to find such contact.
Why technical B is not correct
When people want to provide feedback, ask a question or suggest a new idea, they mostly prefer to search for information in the contact us pages. An ordinary user, who has no knowledge of website management or website hierarchy, search contact information in the “Contact us” page rather than searching in support or in the help section.
The answer is : 2001:DB80:1470::200
A double colon ( :: ) can replace any single, contiguous string of one or more 16-bit segments (hextets) which is consist of all 0s, and it can only be used once per IPv6 address. Therefore,any leading 0s (zeros) in any 16-bit section or hextet can be omitted.
Answer: a. RADIUS
RADIUS as developed with the idea of allowing its users or clients to be able to authenticate to a dial-in access server. So basically it is a client server protocol and he client here is the firebox and the server is the RADIUS server.
The authentication mechanism start by user who sends a message to the RADIUS server. Then the RADIUS server upon receiving the message accept or denies it. It accepts if the client is configured to the server.
A large amount of additional information can be sent by the RADIUS server in its Access-Accept messages with users so we can say that RADIUS is uitable for what are called "high-volume service control applications" such as dial-in access to a corporate network.