travelling alone can often we disk especially if you are travelling to a foreign country there are chances to that you might get through or run in a trouble if you are alone you cannot immediately reach out for help on the other hand group travel offers you safety and immediate help
group travel can give you chance to meet people and make new friends you will meet individual who are also passionate about travel and may have experienced that the similar to your own and even if we don't immediately you will soon create some during the trip
Violence means behaviour involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
Literally nothing... sorry! lol. you will definitely spot it at the other end in about 24 hours though! no worrys. i swallowed a lego once and i was fine!:)
Its translation the third one.
This process is when mRNA comes out of nucleus from nucleus pores and goes to free ribosomes or RER ribosomes. Then the mRNA enters ribosome. each three codes on mRNA is a code of amino acid. then an amino acid chain will be produced.
This chain will fold until it gets to its fourth structure. At last the protein is produced.
The senthesis and replication are not related to protein production.
Its related to cell cycle.
Transcription happens inside nucleus when RNApolymraze transcripts a copy of one strand of DNA
What it makes is mRNA.
Hope you understand.