1 minute of latitude is equal to 1 nautical mile.
Just like an hour of time, there are 60 minutes in a degree of latitude.
Therefore, there are 60 nautical miles in each degree.
https ://us05web.zoom.u s/j/850 39847778?pwd=T0F pQ3pIelJ oQ1RidWhvVF ppQ1lvQT09
copy and paste
They heat up and they stay the same I believe, my teacher helped me with it so its heat up and stay the same or move. Something like that.
Darwin's finches are a gathering of around fifteen types of passerine winged animals. They are outstanding for their exceptional decent variety in nose frame and capacity. They are regularly named the subfamily Geospizinae or tribe Geospizini.
After an immense dry spell, the greater hooked finches lived and the littler ones passed on. So two years after the fact finches har mouths that were somewhat greater.