Carolus Linnaeus also known as Carl von Linné
Endocrine and Cardiovascular system
Excess fat intake leads to different health hazards. They affect the body and cause lipids to clog the arteries thereby preventing blood from quickly delivering oxygen to the body parts.
Excess fat intake causes fatty pancreas and decreases its function.
It also causes series of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack; elevated cholesterol/atherosclerosis,abnormal heart rhythms, hypertension, stroke etc
Cockroach is you answer.
They do this by using a very efficient breathing system that uses air filled tubes, called trachea, to deliver oxygen directly to cells. Oxygen flows in as required into the tracheal system through valves on the insect, called spiracles. But, sometimes, they shut their spiracles and stop breathing.
Answer:when carefully controlled usage and temperature, treatment, and release are followed. If not, it would become a non-renewable resource at that location...