In short- no. He imposed some very unfair tariffs on the southern states, making it very hard to live, most of what he did were things that lead up to the civil war. But in this case, I suggest you do your research and do the essay, but I can tell you what he did. He inposed unfair tariffs on forgein goods, making them the same (expensive) prices on domestic goods, made in the north. In retaliation, South Carolina seceded, and used military action against them. He also made the federal reserve a thing I think.
I don't know if this helps but.. African American men become citizens through the 14th Amendment
Ethiopia purchased modern weapons from France and Russia.
Ethiopia won its wars against Italy and has successfully secured its sovereignty because they bought some artillery pieces from Russia. Russia also supported Ethiopia with military advisers and army training. United Kingdom and France also supported Ethiopia to prevent Italy from becoming their colonial competitor.