A. Landscape lawns produce positive externality.
B. Sports vehicle generates a positive externality
C. Walk to work creates positive externality.
D. Cigarettes create a negative externality.
Positive externality occurs when society gets benefit from a persons act. Susan has created lawns near her house and there are beautiful flowers in the lawn. This will be relaxing for those who pass near by the lawns. There will be fresh air coming from the lawn and society will look pleasant.
Negative externality is one in which society is harmed by the act of a person. This happens when Anita smokes at a bus stop. There are other travelers who will be present at the bus stop might be harmed from the smoke which arises from the cigarette.
the answer is as follows
First of defining real wages is a cumbersome process. The living wage calculator developed by MIT professor Amy Glasemeier in 2004 eased the way a little but that too has it's issues.
The paper you are trying to write should start with this that how the idea of living wages is in itself difficult to be adopted as it is. Second the free market approach has been more successful in the economic history and a lot of evidence and data is available on that. The analysis that your paper will develop should outline the concerns that mainstream economists have regarding living wages and support it with some actual data.
The presentation would be rather easy after writing the paper. Which will include some graphs and data and some scholarly citations and it should work.
You have to calculate the number of years that you have to keep the bond to mature, the answer is 5 years that is the difference between the two dates, now you have to calculate with the interest compound formula the future value of the bond so you have to use the next formula:
Future value = amount of money *((1+ interest rate)^(n))
Where n correspond to the number of years
Note: The interest rate is 8% but is paid each 6 months, it's a reason why you have to multiply n plus 2.
n= 5* 2
n= 10
FV= 100.000*((1+8%)^(10))
FV = $215.892,50
According with the information the bond will pay $215.892,50
c. rush orders arising from poor scheduling.
This is an example of outsourcing, which is when domestic jobs are sent to countries overseas to take advantage of the lower costs.