Bermuda grass is successful in preventing soil erosion
because the roots of the Bermuda grass can grow deep and it can reach 6 feet
deep more on its surface. Also when the Bermuda grass is damaged it can grow
back quickly.
...the results of natural and unnatural processes, and of interactions of the physical components of the planet on the environment.
plz mark me as brainliest :)
Answer: Thermal energy flows from a warmer material to a cooler material. When thermal energy is transferred to a material, the motion of its particles speeds up and its temperature increases. There are three ways heat is transferred into and through the atmosphere: Radiation, conduction and convection.
Radiation is when energy, in the form of electromagnetic radiation, is emitted by a heated surface in all directions and travels directly to its point of absorption at the speed of light; thermal radiation does not require an intervening medium to carry it. Conduction is the process by which heat energy is transmitted through collisions between neighboring atoms or molecules. Convection is heat transfer by mass motion of a fluid such as air or water when the heated fluid is caused to move away from the source of heat, carrying energy with it.
The right matches are :
A. bryophyte ==> 3.
B. pteridophyte ==> 2.
C. gymnosperm ==> 1.
D. angiosperm ==> 4.
These four types of plants are cormophytes.
Bryophyte is a terrestrial plant belonging to the family Bryophyta, which does not have a real vascular system.
Gymnosperms are the first order of didynamy containing phanerogamous plants whose eggs are not enclosed in closed carpels.
Angiosperms are plants whose seeds are enclosed in a closed ovary.
Pteridophytes produce neither flowers nor seeds but are vascular plants.