First person
It takes a bit of reading into the passage to see what point of view it is, because there is little indication in the first paragraph. The first indication that it is written in first person is the use of "us" at the end of that first paragraph. Then, in the subsequent paragraphs the reader sees that the author uses "I" several times, indicating first person perspective.
Man Vs. Man
The entire premise of the story is that two men are hunting each other on account of hatred derived from a centuries old land dispute. Society Notwithstanding the ingrained hatred the two men have for each other, they recognize the societal constraints placed on would-be-murderers.
When we read this poem aloud, we can't help but inflect (raise) our voices at the end of each question. The result is a sound that doesn't quite ever settle down; every line sounds like an airplane taking off into the sky. We can't forget that Langston was a part of the Harlem Renaissance.
So he shared music through poetry, and poetry through music. Hughes’s love for the music found its way to the page, giving rise to the fusion genre known as jazz poetry. Rhythm is what makes music as well as poetry.
The flowing of words, the instruments smooth melody; all a part of the greater meaning, poetry. In fact, there's even a form of poetry which is made into music called lyrical poems. They are just that, musical lyrics.
Based on the sentences from ‘The Cask of Amontillado’, the
literary technique that is employed in the sentence is foreshadowing. This is a
way of having a writer or author give its reader an idea of what would likely
occur later on.