Aristotle argues that what differentiates human beings from other animals is the human reason.
"Good life" can be seen as the one in which a person understand and exercise their rational faculties. The word "good" can be used to show moral approval. Therefore, for someone to be called good, they must have possessed and practiced many important virtues and not pursuing their own pleasure all the time.
According to Aristotle, happiness consists in achieving all the goods like health, wealth, knowledge, friends etc throughout a lifetime. He sees happiness as the central purpose of human life.
Aristotle believes that the highest good is a solitary nucleus which all other goods are acted upon and this highest good is happiness.
Data mining is the process of turning raw data into useful information
Answer: NIMS management characteristic Accountability is there in this situation.
The National Incident Management system controls major incidents and coordinates with the person to overcome such incidents based on some management characteristics. Accountability is one such characteristic where the check-in and check out are included.
Therefore, in the above situation, the Principle of Accountability is the management characteristic. According to the principle of Accountability, the manager is responsible to coordinate with the resources. It includes, checks in and check- out, personal responsibility, unity of command, etc.
Moving averages <em>cannot be used to make future forecasts successfully because certain events like demand, supply ,quality and external factors such as competitions</em> cannot be determined with the use of Moving averages, and these factors have a huge impact on prices
Moving averages are generated / obtained using data from events that occurred previously hence they highlight the long-run trend of a time series, but <em>they cannot be used to make future forecasts successfully because certain events like demand, supply ,quality and external factors such as competitions</em> cannot be determined with the use of Moving averages. and these factors have a huge impact on prices