Environmental factors that affect plant growth include light, temperature, water, humidity, and nutrition. It is important to understand how these factors affect plant growth and development.
The answer is C: because growth at 37°C would be ideal for revealing bacteria that are human pathogens. 37°C is equivalent to 98.6°F, the normal body temperature for humans. If bacteria are reproducing at this temperature in a petri dish, they are also most likely reproducing in the body.
Cultures are made so doctors can be sure a person is sick with a specific bacteria often in order to make sure they are taking the right medication to get better. Choice A doesn't make sense, because we wouldn't want to kill the bacteria we are trying to study. Bacteria that makes us sick is harmful bacteria and is what we are trying to isolate. Choice B doesn't make sense, because they are only being incubated at one temperature, not a range or variety. Choice D is harder to rule out, but again the doctor wants the bacteria to reproduce so they can be sure that's what is causing the infection, so it wouldn't make sense that we would put the bacteria in a temperature they would not reproduce.
1.Continuous diffusion of negatively charged ions into the postsynaptic neurons , <u>which leads to continuous reversal of charges (hyperpolarization) and therefore continuous firing of action potential</u>
2. Inhibition of hydrolytic enzymes e.g (acetycholinesterase) that metabolize activities of cholinergic neurotransmitters e,g acetycholine at post synaptic cleft. leading to firing of action potential.
Neuron whose dendrites transmits action potential to the neuromuscular junction is called presynaptic neuron. While neuron that transmit action potential away from the neuronal synaptic junction, or from the neuromuscular junction to the cell body of adjacent neuron or to effectors (gland and muscles) are called post synaptic neuron.
The more negatively charged ions that diffused into the post synsptic neuron, the more depolarization, and the greater the frequency of action potential produced
The inhibition of activities of hydrolytic enzyme which metabolize cholinergic neurotransmitter leads to continuous excitatory activities of cholinergic neurotransmitters on the receptors at the postsynaptic neuron, and the more action potential