Social media platforms cause low attention stands. The longer a teenager stays on social media the more they don't focus on another thing than that app. Technology corrupts the human mind. It shows us things that we believe is real even though it isn't. Every day when on social media we kill our brain cells and slow lose the ability to focus on other things. if we are unable to focus on others things than we won't be able to learn in school, talk to others in person, ect. it takes a long time to try and restore your focus spans. So if you use social media every day for multiple hours, i would suggest taking a break and putting your phone down.
The Zhou Dynasty gave way to the confusion of the Warring States Period, chaos out of ... Qin rule was the first time all of China had been united under an emperor. ... Legalism: The state's operations are more important than personal liberty, and ... and blunted the power of the aristocracy, establishing instead an imperial.
Regulator Movement in mid-eighteenth-century North Carolina was a rebellion initiated by residents of the colony's inland region, or backcountry, who believed that royal government officials were charging them excessive fees, falsifying records, and engaging in other mistreatments. The movement's name refers to the desire of these citizens to regulate their own affairs. An unfair system of taxation prevailed under which less productive land, such as that in the western and Mountain regions, was taxed at the same rate as the more fertile, level soil of the Coastal Plain. These and other hardships contributed to the Regulators' feelings of sectional discrimination and deep distrust of authorities rooted in eastern North Carolina. Led by men such as Rednap Howell, James Hunter, and Herman Husband—considered the movement's chief spokesman—the Regulators organized a resistance to these abuses, first through protest and ultimately through violence.
All amendments are important because they all function USA somehow and don't create too many problems throughout the country