b.sensation; perception
Sensation refers to how the body senses or responds to environmental changes. This is made possible by the sensory cells of the sense organs such as the eye, nose , ear, skin etc.
Perception deals with how the body translates these actions or changes.
In the example, a box was dropped on his toe and the body responded to it by an immediate sharp sensation of pain.
The throbbing of pain which lasted for the next few days was transmitted by how the body perceived the action . The pain lasting for days mean the body perceived it to be quite serious.
They were used as labor to built levees and floodways to prevent future flood.
The states often used prisoners as labors for both government project or they can put them on hire as labors for private companies. This method will resulted in lower cost since they do not necessarily have to pay the convicts for their work.
Flood of 1927 was regarded as the most destructive flood in american history. The flood caused suffering for around 630,000 citizens. In order to prevent this from happening again, the federal government initiated one of the largest infrastructure building project in American history. They initiated the project to built levees and flood ways along the Mississippi river.
Convicts made up the vast majority of workers that were used in that government project.
Arraignment is the awnser
He did not like the foregin policies, he wanted us to stay away from them and be careful with them.
The irony of this excerpt is that there is a belief from the men about the incapability of the women to discover or uncover any substantial information, but in real circumstances, women are the ones who would uncover an information and discover evidence. The men laughed and the women were embarrassed because it seemed like the men were mocking them.