Before the 1800s, builders used cast iron. But they found that structural steel beams set in concrete allowed them to frame tall buildings that were more fire resistant and more structurally sound than cast iron. Since that time, steel has not only become the best building material for commercial construction but closely tied to economic health.
Thomas Paine, a recent English emigrant to America, provided the Patriot cause with a stimulating pamphlet titled Common Sense. Until his fifty-page pamphlet appeared, colonial grievances had been mainly directed at the British Parliament; few colonists considered independence an option. Paine, however, directly attacked allegiance to the monarchy, which had remained the last frayed connection to Britain. The “common sense” of the matter, he stressed, was that King George III bore the responsibility for the rebellion. Americans, Paine urged, should consult their own interests, abandon George III, and assert their independence. Only by declaring independence, Paine predicted, could the colonists enlist the support of France and Spain and thereby engender a holy war of monarchy against the monarchy.
The California Republican Party (CAGOP) is the California affiliate of the United States Republican Party. The party chairman is Jim Brulte, and is based in Burbank, California, a suburb of Los Angeles. The CRP also has a headquarters in Sacramento.[1]