Positron Emission Tomography scan of the brain of cocaine addicts showed that the drug affects how the brain use glucose. Cocaine users' brain cannot use glucose efficiently and there are also reduced metabolic activity in other areas of the brain.
<span>While Acid fast bacteria retain carbol fuchsin after acid-alcohol treatment, non- Acid fast bacteria are decolorized by acid-alcohol.
Bacteria of genus mycobacterium are best stained using acid-fast method. A mixture of Phenol and fuchsin is carbol fuchsin. In acid-slcohol, acid is hydrochloric acid.</span>
Gel electrophoresis is a technique used to separate DNA fragments according to their size. This is from Khan academy so I believe it is reliable.
Winds up the replicated DNA Strand
It’s called a solar system because solar means “relating to or determined by the sun” and system means “a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network” and the solar system is a whole bunch of planets and other things that are related to the sun and working together.