In 1920
In the united states, women in most states were not extended the right to vote until the ratification of the 19th amendment in 1920
missionaries were sent to spread the word of Christianity.
Claudius was not evil, but rather a human being surrounded by certain flaws along with his life.
Administratively, the balance of his reign was positive. He extended the frontiers of the empire, restored the rule of law, and imported corn when food was scarce.
However, he had always been thought to somewhat dimwitted. During the reign, if Caligula he developed a reputation for being an alcoholic. He did not have good experiences with women. He ended up getting married 4 times. This caused him a personal deterioration. At the end of his reign, he began losing trust in some of his affiliates. This led to him ordering many executions of people who apparently were conspiring against him.
He is thought to have been killed by his last wife, Agrippina. Who supposedly fed him with poisoned mushrooms.
Cocktail party effect
Selective attention
This is simply the act of capitalizing or focusing of one's mind/ conscious awareness on a particular thing such as in the case of cocktail party effect
Cocktail party effect
This simply deals with the ability,trait etc common to an individual in focusing one's listening attention on a single talker amidst other conversationss and background noises. This is the ability to attend to only one voice among others.
This is also defined as a form of selective attention and the ability to putting or placing your mindset on one thing. A common example of cocktail party effect is the inherent capability to hear voice among many in a crowded airline terminal or noisy parks.
This is called an Embargo.