The name of the components of the given labelled circuit is:
The box like figure in the given image is the battery source from where the current drawn into the circuit.
A string connecting positive terminal of battery to the bulb is an electric wire through which current flows in the circuit.
A bubble like object in the circuit is a bulb which lights up when current moves through the circuit.
A component connected to the negative terminal of batter source is a switch.
Then open circuit is an open as the key of the switch is open.
Program p1;
var a,b,c,d : integer; {i presume you give integer numbers for the values of a, b, c }
x1, x2 : real;
write('a='); readln(a);
write('b='); readln(b);
d:=b*b - 4*a*c
if a=0 then x1=x2= - c/b
if d>0 then begin
x1:=(-b+sqrt(d)) / (2*a);
x2:=(-b - sqrt(d))/(2*a);
else if d=0 then x1=x2= - b /(2*a)
else write ("no specific solution because d<0");
writeln('x1=', x1);
The answer is d it is d it is d I think I think, I’m not sure though