This question seems to point to the overall trajectory of US government foreign policy in the 19th century. One of the most enduring legacies of Washington's Farewell Address was the suggestion that the US government withhold from pledging permanent allegiances or alliances with foreign countries.
Monroe and the Farewell Address
James Monroe was the fifth president of the United States (from 1817 to 1825) and he had worked as a foreign minister and ambassador to France during Washington's government. President Monroe institution what would later be known as the Monroe Doctrine in 1823. It stated that the United States would not intervene in European affairs, thus extending the ideas of non-alliance that had been emphasized by Washington in his farewell address. There would be no intervention by the USA in European affairs so long as no one in Europe sought to colonize or otherwise interfere with the Latin American nations in the Western Hemisphere that were newly independent.
Theodore Roosevelt
If Monroe's foreign policy approach marked the consolidation of Washington's views on alliances and allegiances to foreign powers as embodied in the Farewell Address, one of the legacies of Teddy Roosevelt's presidency is that it ends this era of non-intervention and isolationism. Teddy Roosevelt was president of the United States from 1901-1909. The foreign policy endeavors undertaken by Teddy Roosevelt were not neutral or isolationist, although he continued to make claims to be non-interventionist in domestic politics because this was now an entrenched political position on the part of the United States as a whole. Roosevelt believed that the United States was becoming a world power after the Spanish–American War, so he sought ways to assert influence abroad. He mediated and hosted discussions to end the Russo-Japanese war, for example. Teddy Roosevelt is famous for using Big Stick Diplomacy so using the threat of force or strong-handed measures. He also instituted what became known as the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, which allowed the US to act a policing force in the Western Hemisphere and that European interests had to use the United States as an intermediary when taking up issues with Latin American nations.
The answer to the question is D
Answer:El presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos es el titular del poder ejecutivo de dicho país. Es, a la vez, jefe de Estado y jefe de gobierno.23 Asimismo, es el comandante supremo de las Fuerzas Armadas.45
Es elegido mediante voto directo y universal. Una vez electo, entra en funciones el 1º de diciembre del año de la elección.n. 1 Su cargo dura un periodo de seis años, sin posibilidad de reelección;6ni siquiera en el caso de haberlo desempeñado como interino, provisional o sustituto. El cargo de presidente de la República solo es renunciable por causa grave, que deberá ser calificada por el Congreso de la Unión.78 En caso de muerte, destitución o renuncia, asume de manera inmediata y provisional el cargo el Secretario de Gobernación (si la ausencia es el día de la toma de posesión, sería el presidente del Senado, el mandatario provisional), después, con las reservas que contempla la constitución, corresponde al Congreso nombrar un sustituto o interino.
El cargo existe desde su inclusión en la Constitución de 1824, siendo su primer titular Guadalupe Victoria desde el 10 de octubre de aquel año. En suma 65 individuos ocuparon en 106 periodos distintos la presidencia de la república, ya fuera de manera constitucional, provisional, interina, sustituta o incluso de facto; estos números causados en gran medida por la constante inestabilidad vivida por el país en su primer siglo de vida independiente. De tal manera, que en esa primer centuria, solo cuatro mandatarios concluyeron el periodo constitucional para el que fueron elegidos.9
Women gained the right to vote with the 19th amendment opening up an array of opportunities for them.
States have no power by taxation or otherwise to impede or control the laws of the federal government and thus the law imposing a tax on the bank of the united States is unconstitutional and void