Menelaus asks his brother, King Agamemnon, for assistance.
Thinkers believed that reforming prison life was exactly what a new nation should do.
The Fair Punishment debate in the eighteenth century was brought up as a result of the capital punishments at the time which included beheading, solitary confinement, imprisonment, etc.
However, some thinkers believed that imprisonment did not reform prisoners and believed it should be a priority for the new government to make sure that prison is a place for reform.
It means that the vice president is really close to the presidency. meaning if anything happens to the president, the vice president, becomes president. they literally mean "a heartbeat away"
Social values are designed to help the members of the society reach a certain level of harmony. It contains a set of principles that considered as "acceptable" or not "acceptable" which can influence the members of society to behave.
Conforming to social values tend to prevent a lot of conflict, which can lead to low level of mortality rates that cause an increase in population.
Traditional thinking that to have strong correlation with religious teachings. Most religions advocated their followers to avoid violence and have a structured set of families that will also contribute to the increase in population.