Unformed hyphae are called yeast – a substance that is very useful and applicable in many industries and fields. On the other hand, mycelium (plural form – mycelia) is the vegetative part of the fungus. In relation to the hyphae, it is the network collection or bundle of hyphae in one single place
Entrainment is to synchronize an organism to an external whole for example music or tapping.
Hope this helps!
c. Transcription of one DNA strand results in mRNA, which is a complementary copy of the information in the DNA.
a. The mRNA leaves the nucleus and goes to a ribosome open choices for ranking.
b. The building blocks of proteins, are carried to the ribosome by tRNAsAmino acids.
The process of deoxyribonucleic acod starts with replication to transcription and translation.
Replication involves the formation of a complementary base from a old or template DNA Strand this then serve as a template for transcription.
transcription involves the coping of information on the DNA to an intermediate mRNA ( messanger ribonucleic acid) in the nucleus which then move from the nucleus to ribosome in the cytoplasm where translation occurs.
Translation is the conversion of the information on the mRNA to an amino acid with the help of enzyme transferse ribonucleic acid(tRNA).
Hence the arrangement is from C ---- A-----B.
O seletor quer saber a ação da pessoa.
O seletor pede que a pessoa descreva como ela se comportaria em uma determinada situação ou trabalharia em um caso, porque o seletor quer saber sobre o comportamento e a inteligência da pessoa para lidar com a situação. o selecionador também quer treiná-lo porque essas situações vão vir na vida profissional dele então ele tem a informação e a experiência de como lidar com isso.
Beacause prokariyotics are unicellular organisms.