It is the medium of exchange. It serves as the mediator instrument used to encourage the deal, buy or exchange of products between parties. For an instrument to work as a medium of trade, it must speak to a standard of significant worth acknowledged by all gatherings. In present-day economies, the medium of trade is money.
An outflow
The cash flow statement categories the company's transactions in a financial period into 3 groups; these are operating, investing and financing.
The net profit/loss, depreciation, changes in current assets (other than cash) and liabilities are considered as operating activities including income taxes.
In cash flow statements, an increase in assets(other than cash) is treated as a cash outflow while a decrease is considered as an inflow of cash.
Hence if accounts receivables balance increases from $45,000 i 2018 to $48,000 in 2019, the change of $3,000 will be shown as an outflow.
Market Power
Market Power is the ability of firms to raise price above the level of perfect competition price. Perfect Competition charge Price = Marginal Cost, Imperfectly, other imperfect markets charge price > MC.
This power is used by imperfect market structures - monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition. They can use this power because - they have control over market price, as they comprise a significant part of market supply. Eg : Monopolies usually use 'artificial scarcity' model to maintain a surplus in market & charge higher prices.
E. include flexibility and a team orientation.
Sales management is the process that maintains customers sales by planning, direction and control of the sales process.
It involves motivation, supervising, delegation, and equipping of the sales force.
This is a people oriented career and therefore requires flexibility and a team orientation. So the team is able to adapt to new strategies aimed at improving the sales process.
The stock market tends to value diversified companies at less than their break-up value.
Conglomerate discount is only applicable to large, highly diversified business entities and it basically arises as a result of business analysts having difficulty finding an appropriate way to value group of businesses with complex financial statements.
Simply stated, the expression "conglomerate discount" means that the stock market tends to value diversified companies at less than their break-up value.
Hence, when a vast array of businesses aren't performing optimally as the overall conglomerate or there are issues with respect to its core values and financial statements, business analyst may have to apply the conglomerate discount concept.
In order to calculate the conglomerate discount, business experts add up various estimations of the intrinsic values associated with the respective subsidiary firms in a conglomerate and lastly, the market capitalization of the conglomerate is subtracted from that sum. Intrinsic value refers to a measure of the underlying value of a firm and its cash inflow.
Also, it's worthy of note that the sum of the various estimations is typically greater than the conglomerate stock values.