The question wasn't stated very well, but the answer you might be looking for is that Confucianism is a philosophy, and Shintoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism are all religions.
"The Fog Horn," the narrator and a man named McDunn work in a stone tower, far out from land, to alert ships passing through the fog of their proximity to land. The tower emitted red and white lights, as well as a "Voice," the deep cry that the Fog Horn sent out into the world. It was lonely work. On the night before it was the narrator's turn to return to land, McDunn tells him that he has something special to tell him about.
High use of fertilizers and pesticides leading to degradation in the fertility of the level of the soil.
Green revolution was started with the aim of increasing the level of production of the farm and to bring in new and innovative ways and methods to increase the productivity.
This helped the farmers to increase their yield and there fore their income for their survival. But with these positive effects, it also had some negative effects like there was excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers due to which the level of fertility of the soil degraded and fell down.
Parallel processing
Parallel processing is the ability of the brain to process many information of differing quality at once.this process involves analyzing and distributing the receive stimulus into four compartments : Color, shape, motion,depth.
George stroke made him to lost the capacity to perceive colors but retained the capacity to perceive movement and form
Janet had a stroke and lost the capacity to perceive motion but retained the capacity to perceive shapes and colors.
The disability in the question are typical type of the four compartment of Parallel processing
Answer 1 : ( C ) the burning of fossil fuels has created acid rain.
Answer 2 : ( C ) Greenhouse effect.