Catabolysis is the last metabolic resort for the body to keep itself — particularly the nervous system—functional. Protein stores, especially in muscle tissue, provide the amino acids needed for the process.
The low salt diet is a great solution to overcome heath determinant of Biology and genetics.
- According to this question, Patel and her siblings have inherited high blood pressure from their parents. This tells us that the health condition is a genetic disorder, which is branch of Biology.
- Patel and her siblings are however, on a low salt diet as a solution to overcome the health challenge (high blood pressure).
This solution is, hence, a great solution to overcome the heath determinant of Biology and genetics.
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Here is the full question:
(A) If a closed container contains a mouse as well as enough food, water, and oxygen for the mouse to live for 3 weeks,
How much will the container weigh 1 and 2 weeks later after the mouse has eaten, drunk and exercised (respiration is CO2 emission), and why?
(B) If the mouse was in a wire cage and only the weights of the mouse, food, and water were considered, would you come to the same answer as in (A) and why?
(A) The mouse will weigh the same. This is because solids, liquid, and gases cannot escape the closed container. All of the life processes involving reactions conserve the atoms involved. Some of those atoms will appear in the form of gases, some as solids, and others as liquids but all will be retained in the closed container.
(B) In a wire cage, gases can escape. This means that the weight will not be the same after 1 and 2 weeks. The weight would be less than the original weight of the mouse, it's food, and it's water.
Mitosis is a kind of cell division that produces 2 daughter cells that is genetically identical to both the other daughter and the parent cell.
By the word genetically identical, it means that they have the same number of chromosomes.
This process starts by a parent cell doubling their chromosomes, then, it divides, and therefore each daughter cells receive the original number of chromosomes.
Therefore, the answer to this question is 2 cells, 12 chromosomes each.
Las células eucariotas son muy diversas en forma, forma y función. Sin embargo, algunas características internas y externas son comunes a todos. Estos incluyen una membrana plasmática (celular), un núcleo, mitocondrias, orgánulos unidos a la membrana interna y un citoesqueleto.