Carbon Cycle Definition
Carbon cycle is the process where carbon compounds are interchanged among the biosphere, geosphere, pedosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere of the earth.
Carbon Cycle Steps
Following are the major steps involved in the process of the carbon cycle:
Carbon present in the atmosphere is absorbed by plants for photosynthesis.
These plants are then consumed by animals and carbon gets bioaccumulated into their bodies.
These animals and plants eventually die, and upon decomposing, carbon is released back into the atmosphere.
Some of the carbon that is not released back into the atmosphere eventually become fossil fuels.
These fossil fuels are then used for man-made activities, which pumps more carbon back into the atmosphere.
Hope it helps!!!
Glucose provides energy that can quickly be used to generate ATP if needed by muscle cells. Starches have to be hydrolyzed to make glucose molecules so they would be useful for endurance situations
Answer and Explanation:
The mouth is part of the digestion system.
Mechanical Digestion is the physical motion our mouth makes to chew up the food. We grind up the food with our teeth, then swallow the food into the next part of the digestive system.
Chemical Digestion in the mouth is the saliva our mouth produces. It breaks down the food along side the mechanical part of the mechanical digestion.
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