This situation is an example of increasing cognitive memory.
This is an example of an embodied practice to promote the effectiveness of the cognitive process. Gregersen and MacIntyre, based their studies in the notion that “TL comprehension can be improved by grounding it in action, learners can evoke sensorimotor experience through embodied cognition; by creating mnemonic devices for remembering names”. One example they used was to add an adjective that started with the same letter as the name.
La FOTOSINTESIS es el proceso mediante el cual los organismos con clorofila, como las plantas verdes, las algas y algunas bacterias, capturan energía en forma de luz y la transforman en energía química.
Una ecuación generalizada y equilibrada de la fotosíntesis sería:
El elemento H2O de la fórmula representa un compuesto oxidable, es decir, un compuesto del cual se pueden extraer electrones; CO2 es el dióxido de carbono; CHO una generalización de los hidratos de carbono que incorpora el organismo vivo.
La RESPIRACIÓN CELULAR: se lleva a cabo en una estructuras de las estructuras de la célula llamas mitocondrias.
La ecuación general de la respiración es la siguiente:
Durante este proceso se desdoble la molécula de glucosa y se separan los átomos de hidrógeno [protones y electrones] de los átomos de carbono para combinarse con los átomos de oxígeno. La energía liberada durante este proceso se utiliza para convertise el ADP (adenosindifosfato) en ATP (adenosintrifosfato).
The correct answer to this open question is the following.
Moscow is the capital city of Russia. It is very populated. Indeed it is the biggest city in Europe with more than 10,5 million citizens living there.
The last Russian census of 2010 provides information that says that Moscow and the metropolitan adjacent areas total 17 million people. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Moscow has constantly grown year after year.
Moscow is the most important city in Russia, attracting tourists and businessmen from all over the world. It is a multicultural city that combines, culture, tradition, history, and modernity. A must-visiting place.
The five groups of people that were part of the factory employees were owners, managers, children's, artisans and immigrants. These are the five basic employees that were found in factories. In some cases there can be other kind of employees for specialized jobs in certain factories, but they were not common to all factories.
Motivation is the internal process that energizes, directs, and sustains behavior.
Motivation is the internal process that energizes, directs, and sustains behavior.
In an organization or a company; motivational always plays very important role in employee life cycle. If we define motivation, it is effected by employee morale which tends to the employee's feelings about the job, his superiors and co worker and the company itself. These factors in a job like Motivation, morale and job satisfaction are closely related.