Answer: i believe it would hold more.
Explanation: i believe that because its a thicker substance.
In brain, cerebellum controls the postural muscles and balance the equilibrium. By operating on the cerebral cortex via the thalamocortical projection and on the brainstem, the cerebellum regulates the cognitive and automatic processes of posture-gait regulation.
Both real-time sensory feedback via the spinocerebellar tract to the cerebellum and feedforward information from the cerebral cortex via the cortico-ponto-cerebellar pathway may play significant roles in these processes.
The cerebellum's ability to govern posture is mostly dependent on sensory afferents. Along with the vestibular nuclei, the floccules and vermis of the cerebellum also receive signals from the labyrinth via the vestibular nerve. Spinocerebellar pathways convey peripheral sensory data and a copy of the spinal cord's output to the fastigial nuclei (FN).
To learn more about cerebellum click here
The complexity of the human body
suggests an intelligent design to the honest observer
Answer: C) NADH and pyruvate
Explanation: Glycolisis is enzymatic pathway where glucose and other sugars are oxidized to produce direct energy as ATP, energetic intermediaries as NADH and pyruvate. Later, pyruvate will be converted in acetyl coA to enter to Kreb's cycle and NADH and others produced, will be used in the electron transport chain in mithocondria, to produce more ATP.
Water loss is a problem for desert plants; Therefore, many plants have adaptations in their leaves to avoid losing large amounts of water. Some of these leaf adaptations are: (1) hairy or fuzzy leaves, (2) small leaves (3) curled leaves, (4) wax-coated leaves, and (5) green stems but no leaves.
Plants that live in this type of desert include the salt shrub, buckwheat shrub, black shrub, rice grass, little horse brush, black sage, and chrysothamnus. Some animals have special adaptations to cope with the desert heat and lack of water.
Learn more about desert trait below.
what is a the desert - › English › Secondary School