Answer: 1) When phosphorous is not bound in rocks, it moves quickly through land food webs. Constant use of phosphate-rich fertilizers will help increase phosphorus availability to plants, thus ultimately helping our ecosystems.
3) Minimizing the use of ammonia-rich fertilizers on lawns would not add excess nitrogen to the nitrogen cycle. As a result, it would help decrease the pollution of food webs in the oceans, decrease soil acidity on land, and decrease the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
The nitrogen and phosphorus cycles both are biochemical cycles. The nitrogen cycle involves the process of uptake of nitrogen from the atmosphere by the soil bacteria which is then become available to the plants for plant growth, from plants it is transferred to the other organisms in different forms.
The phosphorus is found in the rocks and these rocks wither and the inorganic phosphorus become available to the ecosystems.
Option 1 is correct, this is because the phosphorus is available on earth in the inorganic form inside the rocks, the withering and erosion processes make the phosphorus available to the plants. Another source of phosphorus to plants is phosphorus rich fertilizers. Thus plants will absorb phosphorus and grow. These plants will be consumed by other organisms thus the ecosystem will remain healthy.
Option 3 is correct, this is because nitrogen rich fertilizers can cause eutrophication in water bodies, or can contaminate the water. It will decrease the pH of the soil due to the formation of nitric acid. Also the nitrogen dioxide is the greenhouse gas.
Animals cells are found inside the animals body. We have no exact place where it is found ;)
C. Pseudo science is also known as 'fake science' because whatever is said is impossible to prove with the scientific method, and a pseudoscientist's mindset is that it's correct until proven wrong.
Langerhan's cells
The Langerhan's cells arise from the bone marrow and migrate to the epidermis. The Langerhan's cells are the body's first line of defense and play a significant role in antigen presentation. They need special stains to be visualized and are primarily found in the stratum spinosum. These are the mesenchymal origin obtained from CD34 positive stem cells of bone marrow and are part of the mononuclear phagocytic system.
En resultados
El experimento se basa en analizar el movimiento de la planta en respuesta a la luz solar, desde distintas posiciones:
- planta parada
- planta semiacostada
- planta acostada
Durante su experimento, Pedro debe ir registrando los movimientos que observa en las distintas plantas a medida que recibe la luz del sol. El registro de dichos movimientos ante el estímulo forma parte de los resultados.
- Objetivo o propósito del trabajo: analizar la influencia de la luz solar como estimulo para generar un movimiento en plantas desde distintas posiciones.
- Procedimiento: Ubicación de plantas en distintas posiciones y bajo las mismas condiciones ambientales. Exposición de todas las plantas a la misma cantidad de radiación solar. Observación del movimiento durante un periodo de tiempo determinado.
- Resultados: Registro del movimiento de cada planta en cada posición durante el periodo de tiempo que fueron expuestas a radiación. En esta instancia de vuelca en tablas o gráficos, o se describe qué fué lo que se observó durante el experimento. Cuál fue la respuesta de cada una de las plantas.
- Conclusión: Relación entre lo esperado y lo observado. Comparación con otros trabajos similares.